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Selection of Players for Inter-Club Galas, Cups, Sevens and Visiting Teams

To outline the selection criteria for Clovelly Eagles Junior Rugby Club teams participating in inter-club galas, cup events, Sevens tournaments, and matches against visiting teams. This policy ensures a balance between competitiveness and inclusiveness while promoting the core values of rugby: teamwork, respect and camaraderie.
1. Cup Competitions:
Cup events are competitive, representing an opportunity to field the club’s strongest team. In these competitions:
  • The goal is to represent the club with the best possible squad.
  • Team selection will prioritise the strongest players in the age group, considering:
    • players playing up from younger teams who are eligible to play in the age group;
    • players playing down from older teams within age rules;
    • the aim is to field a team that can showcase the club’s talent, commitment and sportsmanship.
2. Gala Events and Social Competitions:
For gala days and social tournaments, the focus is on participation and inclusiveness:
  • The objective is to provide opportunities for all players, ensuring as many players as possible get game time.
  • Teams will be mixed to promote age-group unity and encourage new friendships.
  • The goal is to foster club spirit, giving players a chance to enjoy the experience and play in a fun, inclusive environment.
3. Barbarians-Style Teams:
Clovelly Eagles will aim to create Barbarians-style teams for all events, mixing players from different teams:
  • Each team within an age group should be represented to promote inclusivity.
  • This fosters collaboration and teamwork, emphasising the core values of rugby: friendship and working with new teammates.
4. Selection of Volunteers’ Children:
Teams will require coaches and managers with relevant qualifications for both competitive and social events:
  • Volunteers’ children will be selected for teams, and for cup events.
  • Selections will be reviewed to ensure the combination of volunteer and child contributes positively to the team’s performance.
  • This ensures that the strongest possible squad is selected while maintaining the fairness and integrity of the team selection process.
5. Representation and Conduct:
Regardless of the event, Clovelly Eagles teams are expected to:
  • Represent the club with respect for officials, opponents, and the broader community.
  • Players and coaches are to act as brand ambassadors for the club, demonstrating its values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and community engagement.
6. Role of Age Managers:
Age managers play a critical role in team selection and participation:
  • They will work closely with coaches and the club to ensure teams are selected according to the policy and that every effort is made to maintain fairness.
  • For away events, the age manager will coordinate the selection based on availability and then refine the teams to best represent the club.
7. Rotation and Opportunity:
Where possible, the club will ensure different players are given the opportunity to participate in various events:
  • This may involve rotating players for different tournaments to provide an equal chance for players to gain experience and enjoy the game.
8. The Spirit of the Barbarians:
Inspired by the Barbarians rugby philosophy, the club encourages:
  • Friendship through rugby, where players play alongside new teammates.
  • Enjoyment of the game, learning to collaborate within mixed teams.
  • Upholding the values of rugby union, including respect, teamwork and a passion for the game
This policy was approved on 17 September 2024 by the Clovelly JRFC Committee